The ROI Estimation tool helps in 3 key areas:
1) Forecasting: ESTIMATE your costs, your savings, and your ROI
2) Buy-in: KNOW the connection between health & productivity
3) Strategy: HOW to best allocate your health and wellness dollars
Forecasting. The ROI tool uses three formulae: Disease Burden, Potential Savings, and ROI. These provide solid ESTIMATES on costs to your organization, what your savings could be, and actual return from using well-placed programs.
Buy-in. The tool estimates health risk impact on productivity, absenteeism, and medical costs. When you KNOW the “hard-dollar” connection between health and productivity you will better engage the support of key advocates.
Strategy. Estimating ROI can save you time! A full ROI calculation is time-consuming and costly. Instead, take the time to strategize ways to maximize improvements in productivity and to determine how to spend money in the right place. The ROI Estimator looks specifically at cardiovascular health, mental health, and substance abuse.

Use of the ROI Estimation is simple. You will work side by side with a PrevCoach™ to work through your ROI feedback and determine how to best leverage your wellness dollars.