Prevention Tools for Healthy Organizations
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(1) ROI Introduction (FREE)
(2) ROI Consultation

(2) ROI Consultation

We encourage you to review the ROI Introduction (FREE) lesson if you haven’t already. The lesson will give you a solid introduction and background to this tool.

This tool has been useful to organizations of all types and sizes. This tool can be used in many ways; (1) to make a strong case for an expanded wellness budget, (2) to communicate the connection between health and productivity costs to your superiors, (3) to pin point where your wellness dollars are best invested, and many others.

While the ROI Estimator is simple to use, you will get the most out of this tool with consultation with a PrevCoach™. The PrevCoach™ will help you get out of this tool what you really need to leverage your wellness dollars. Purchasing the ROI Consultation will include:

  • Your ROI Estimation based on your organization’s data
  • A 1 hour consultation phone call with a PrevCoach™
  • Guidance on preparing ROI inputs and interpreting the ROI outputs
  • A customized display and branded report of your ROI Estimation results
  • A CD-ROM Version of the ROI Lesson and Tool so you can complete multiple ROI reports
Sign up for an ROI Consultation now!

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